The only way you can consider this to simulate an iPad is for a person who has no idea what one should be like because they have been detached from technology.The good news is that you can somewhat experience how iOS works using an emulator. I am actually somewhat surprised to see this on here since dl.com usually maintains such a high level of standards.

Both the download and the script itself were painfully slow going. Please don't waste your time, and lots of it you will. T'were it so I would be able to play an app store app within it and that is not at all possible. The claim that it emulates anything is false. Like others have said a shortcut for an app will be a link to an app-ish webpage impersonation. It doesn't really 'do' anything except pretend to do stuff.

It is almost a cool thing but really just a sucky knockoff of something that was a cool thing, making it worse than nothing at all. 'You know those gifts that are just one letter shy of being awesome like getting a Transfirmer, iPone, or a Ybox console from that person who just doesn't get it? This 'program' is one of those. For now you are limited to point-and-click with the mouse. But, despite this, it has no touch-screen support so you won’t be able to use a touch-screen monitor on Windows 8. At the most, iPadian simulates the look and feel of an iOS device and at the least it’s like using iOS skins for Windows Enjoy the iOS 7 Look on Any Device! Enjoy the iOS 7 Look on Any Device! Have you installed iOS 7 on your Android yet? No? Well, that's probably for the best, but it doesn't mean you can't get your chance to enjoy the iOS 7 look without an iPhone.Read More, with the added bonus of actually being able to use a couple of popular apps. We are yet to see a real emulator with access to Apple’s App Store. Since then, the development of BlueStacks has progressed in a way that, in my opinion.Read More. IPadian is not an iOS emulator in the same way that BlueStacks emulates Android BlueStacks Lets You Experience Android From The Computer BlueStacks Lets You Experience Android From The Computer Back in January, BlueStacks was introduced to MUO readers in an article that provides similar alternatives to the emulation software.