As a rule, content may be downloaded free of charge and used within the scope of reporting for purposes comprised by press releases, articles in the print media, film and television reports, and publications in the online, mobile and multi-media. Within the framework of a simple right of use, the content may only be used for the stated purpose to which the respective materials relate. Unless subject to a different agreement, basically the photographic material, data and information have been released solely for employment by journalists and press employees. With the use of our Online Press Center, you offer an undertaking to only use the content and materials on offer for the purpose of your professional editorial and journalistic activities. Utilization of the prepared content is free of charge.

Via the Press Center, you have access to our press releases and press download area. Through the employment of the services and content provided, you offer confirmation of the fact that you have read and accepted the conditions.Īn exclusive service for media journalists These include regulations related to data protection. Admission to the KTM Online Press Center, as well the functions and content to which it offers access, shall only take place in accordance with the aforementioned conditions. The subsequent terms of use regulate the utilization of the content provided on the internet at. However, the employment of these services is subject to the proviso that you consent to the following terms of use. This information and content is made available by KTM Sportmotorcycle GmbH, Betriebsgebiet Süd, Stallhofner Straße 3, A-5230 Mattighofen, Austria, and we are more than willing to provide you with copy, photographic and film material for your reporting about our company.

May we express our pleasure at the fact that you have chosen to use the pool of information regarding our company and its products and services.